Save the Date for the IP Committee Meeting at the Annual Meeting

Boca Raton Resort and Club Registration opens today for the The Florida Bar’s annual meeting from June 24-27, 2015. The meeting will be back in Boca this year, at the beautiful Boca Raton Resort and Club.

Check out the Florida Bar’s event page for more information as it develops.

The IP Committee will meet and offer a CLE during its meeting at the Annual Meeting. If you are interested in presenting CLE at the meeting, please contact our CLE Vice Chair, Kimra Major-Morris.

6th Annual Symposium Registration Open for March 5-6, 2015

The moment you’ve been waiting for is here — registration is live for the IP Committee’s Sixth Annual Symposium. This year’s Symposium be on March 5-6, 2015 in Fort Lauderdale. Be sure to register for the Symposium, and reserve a room at the Riverside Hotel, 620 East Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 by calling 954-467-0671 and asking for the FLORIDA BAR room rate.

The IP Symposium each year provides a full day of CLE and IP Certification credits, and draws practitioners from all over the state to hear from top speakers drawn from a nationwide pool. We have a great line up of CLE and speakers. Check out the brochure [.pdf] (soon to be updated with our dinner speaker!) for a rundown of all of the great speakers and topics we have in store.

We’re already looking to appoint the committee for the 7th Annual Symposium. Check out the list of past symposia programs for a refresher of the quality CLE offered by this event each year. Please contact Dineen, Woody, or Kimra if you are interested in serving on the next steering committee.

Please Join Us for the Mid-Year Meeting

The Mid Year meeting will be January 22-23, 2015. Please note the IP Committee will meet on Wednesday, 10 am, at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel, Orlando, in Room Panzacola H4. Please see below for the meeting materials:

2015-01-21 BLS January Meeting Itinerary
Meeting Agenda
Retreat Meeting Minutes
CADRA Update
New! CLE Materials: Copyright and Trademark Update presented by Doug McDonald

Free Trademark Program on November 14, 2013 at the University of Miami School of Law

In conjunction with its annual leadership meeting in Miami, the International Trademark Association  (“INTA”) and the University of Miami Schoolo of Law, with the co-sponsorship of the Business Law Section, will be hosting a trademark program this week at the University of Miami School of Law.  The program,m which is complementary, will include a panel discussion on career paths in trademark law with current trademark attorneys. The panel will also include a discussion of current issues that trademark lawyers are facing in the social media arena.

Speakers will include:

  • Tamara Carmichael, Partner, Loeb & Loeb
  • Gavin Charlston, Associate Trademark Counsel, Google
  • Brendan Healey, Deputy General Counsel, American Media, Inc.
  • Amy Price, Associate, Akerman Senterfitt
  • Kenneth Wilton, Partner, Seyfarth Shaw LLP

The program will be from 12:30 pm to 1:50 pm at the Miami Law – Multipurpose Room, 1330 Miller Drive, Miami, FL 33146.  If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Lia Calabro at [email protected]

You can download a flyer with details on the program can be found at the following link:  INTA Panel Flyer.  Your attendance at this program is appreciated and encouraged.

Volunteers Needed for 5th Annual Symposium

Planning is underway for the Fifth Annual Intellectual Property Symposium! In 2014, the IP Committee will bring the Symposium back to Tampa, Florida. Orlando attorney Kimra Major-Morris will chair the planning committee, along with CLE Vice Chair Woody Pollack. If you are interested in serving on the planning committee, or have an idea for a CLE session, please e-mail Kimra at [email protected]. The first organizational meeting will be called by telephone soon, so don’t delay!