Legislative Update to Theft of Trade Secrets Act – HB 1523 / SB 1378

Please see attached Technical Comments and Analysis of these two pending pieces of legislation prepared by Bob Kain.

Please provide any feedback directly to Bob at [email protected] as soon as you can, both bills are moving quickly.

Fla Stat 812.081 Tr Sec Theft

HB 1523 Corporate Espionage

Technical Comments HB 1523 asnd SB 1378


Jim Matulis

Matulis IP Law & Mediation


Hi all

Thursday’s IP Committee Meeting will include a presentation by the Copyright Office’s Associate Register of Copyrights and Director of Public Information and Education, Catherine “Catie” Zaller Rowland, bringing you up to speed on the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act of 2019 (CASE Act of 2019) 

Don’t forget to register in advance – here is the registration link https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsdOitrj8pHdTjpMeoc2cbKh4wZAHm8e0q

Also, the IP Committee is looking for volunteers to serve as Committee liaisons to other BLS committee, including the Pro Bono Committee, the Communications Committee, the CLE Committee, and the Membership Committee.  If interested, please email me offline at [email protected]


Matulis IP Law

USPTO issues Final Rule Setting and adjusting Trademark fees

Trademark Alert

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is setting and adjusting Trademark and Trademark Trial and Appeal Board fees for the first time in nearly three years through its Final Rule, effective January 2, 2021. This represents the end of a multi-year review and adjustment process.

To learn more about the fee changes, please visit the Summary of FY 2020 Final Trademark Fee Rule page of the USPTO website.